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We have helped over 100,000 people get started with WordPress. Here’s everything that you get when you hire us to launch your website quickly.
Don’t settle for a cookie-cutter website. Our experienced WordPress designers, with over a decade in the industry, can craft a website that perfectly captures your brand:
Over the years, we have developed a streamlined process to work with our clients like you. That means you can rest assured that you’ll have a hassle-free experience with us.
We always use the latest technologies to bring your design to life. Whether you need an advanced eCommerce site or a simple landing page, we make sure you get it:
The sky is the limit! If you can dream it, our team of experienced WordPress web designers will build it for you.
We thoroughly test your site to ensure it functions correctly and meets all necessary standards. We follow WordPress SEO best practices and lay the right SEO foundation:
We also ensure that you have all the essential WordPress tools to scale your website as your business grows.
Tired of WordPress design agencies charging ludicrous prices to build a site for small businesses? We offer cost-effective WordPress website design services:
With Theon Media’s Website Design Service, you don’t have to break the bank to launch your dream WordPress site.
Pick the perfect package for your site’s needs from our range of affordable website design service options.
We’ll chat about your goals, brainstorm ideas, and begin preparing to create a website that perfectly reflects your vision.
Sit back and relax while we design and set up your website. We’ll keep you up-to-date from start to launch.
Here’s what our clients have to say…
Over the last two decades, we have helped over 100,000 people get started with WordPress and bring their dream WordPress projects to life.
Whether you’re a blogger, small business owner, or an eCommerce merchant, we offer custom-tailored services based on your unique individual need
We fight for our customer’s success. We go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you have the best experience with us.
It can take anywhere between 10 and 20 hours, depending on the complexity of the site. For example, a basic blog can be built in about 10 hours, but for a complex website like an eCommerce store or site that needs a membership area, it would take longer to build. Our experts have lots of experience doing this, and we will get your website up and running as fast as possible.
After a quick site development process, you can expect to see a functional, aesthetically pleasing website that is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. The site will be mobile-responsive to make sure that it looks good and works well on various devices. Your website will also be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) so that your customers can find you, whether they’re local or online.
Theon Media is an ideal choice for building and launching your site for several reasons:
– Fast and Timely: You can have your website up and running as quickly as possible.
– Experienced Developers: Our team is comprised of experienced and knowledgeable WordPress website developers.
– Industry Best Practices: Our experts know WordPress best practices, so you can rest assured that your site is optimized for high performance.
– Cost-Effective: Theon Media ’s approach is tailored to getting you up and running without a hefty investment, making it ideal for startups and small businesses.
We don’t offer refunds on WordPress website design services. Once someone signs up and work is started, no refund is provided.
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