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We have helped over 100,000 people get started with WordPress. Here’s what you get when you hire us to boost your site’s speed and performance.
We’ve over two decades of experience optimizing WordPress websites to speed it up. We generate a comprehensive site speed and website performance report with Google Lighthouse.
Based on the report, we’ll take proven measures to improve page loading time, server performance, and various technical aspects of WordPress SEO.
A one-second delay in your page loading time can reduce your conversions by 7%, so it’s important to offer a blazing-fast website experience to your visitors.
To significantly improve website performance, we’ll first set up a staging website, and then use it to troubleshoot issues based on the Google Lighthouse report. This will ensure that your live site remains unaffected.
We take several measures to run your website as efficiently as possible. We review and optimize plugin usage, address server optimization, handle image compression, and so on.
We also make sure your site’s SSL is set up correctly, all page-speed blockers are taken care of and, and that your WordPress database is clean and maintained.
We’re tired of WordPress agencies charging ludicrous prices to optimize WordPress websites for speed and performance.
With Theon Media’s on-site optimization service, we want to fix this once and for all by offering cost-effective solutions.
Here’s what our clients have to say…
Over the last two decades, we have helped over 100,000 people get started with WordPress and bring their dream WordPress projects to life.
Whether you’re a blogger, small business owner, or an eCommerce merchant, we offer custom-tailored services based on your unique individual need
We fight for our customer’s success. We go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you have the best experience with us.
Since every website is different, it depends. We analyze website’s performance before and after starting the optimization. We take measures to offer a blazing-fast user experience for your visitors. Our goal is to see measurable gains and get your site speed as fast as possible with improvements to your software.
We will do everything we can to research and troubleshoot your website to get its speed and performance optimized. If for some reason we couldn’t speed up your WordPress website, then we will offer you a full refund.
It takes around a few days to several weeks, depending on the project. We’ll take several optimization measures to improve page loading time and performance. We will also work with our SEO experts to optimize meta tags, images, page titles, headings, and more. You can be sure that all the pages of your site will be mobile friendly and use clean, fast HTML and CSS code. These are just some elements that are important to improving your site.
We recommend that you wait on moving servers until after we optimize your website. Even if your site is very large, there are ways to optimize it that can help deliver better performance regardless of your host.
However, larger sites with lots of content and media are likely to be a bit slower than smaller, more lightweight sites. Once we optimize your WordPress website, our team can work with you to determine if you could benefit from a faster hosting plan, platform or even a VPS or dedicated server.
Our services are intended to improve your website’s overall performance. We will optimize your website page speed, SEO, code, security, and many other elements to help your site have better user experience, more traffic, and higher rankings. Our team will also eliminate render-blocking resources, minify files when possible, and employ caching technology to improve page load times.
Yes. Site optimization can help you rank better in search engines and increase conversions and sales because of the enhanced user experience.
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