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Our experts have been cleaning and securing WordPress sites for over 2 decades. Here’s everything that you get when you hire us to secure your website.
We have over a decade of experience scanning and fixing hacked WordPress websites. We manually clean up any malicious files and codes from your website.
We have also developed a streamlined process to quickly restore your site after cleaning the malware, so you can rest assured that your sensitive data is no longer at risk.
Our comprehensive WordPress security scan identifies any potential vulnerabilities that can expose your sensitive website information to the world.
Finding potential vulnerabilities in your WordPress themes and plugins helps us take immediate corrective actions and prevent your website from getting compromised.
A critical vulnerability in your WordPress plugins or theme can allow attackers to inject malicious scripts into your website.
Running a security scan and removing malware can help fix current issues. To keep your website protected against future threats, we’ll update your WordPress files to fix all security loopholes.
We’re tired of WordPress agencies charging ludicrous prices to clean up malicious files and repair hacked websites.
With Theon Media’s hacked site repair service, we want to fix this once and for all by offering cost-effective solutions for small businesses.
Here’s what our clients have to say…
Over the last two decades, we have helped over 100,000 people get started with WordPress and bring their dream WordPress projects to life.
Whether you’re a blogger, small business owner, or an eCommerce merchant, we offer custom-tailored services based on your unique individual need
We fight for our customer’s success. We go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you have the best experience with us.
Repairing your hacked website can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. Although we strive to restore your website as fast as possible, it depends on how fast we receive your website credentials and the severity of the hack.
While we do our best to retain your data and restore your website as fast as possible, it depends on the severity of the attack. We’ll also ensure to preserve any new data that may have been obtained after the hack, such as new blog posts, or eCommerce orders. We’ll work with you to let you know what we can do and only proceed after you approve the proposed plan.
Outdated WordPress files could be a vulnerable threat, so it’s recommended to get them updated as soon as possible. However, if you’re using a paid product and the license is expired, there is nothing we could do. We advise you to get the licenses and documentation ready in case we need the info regarding the products you use.
We will offer you a full refund if we can’t fix your hacked website for any reason.
You can expect a fool-proof website that is 100% clean and trouble-free moving forward.
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